Kamis, 22 November 2007

A*****g pilek gw kga sembuh2.....


Pilek ne....
Pdahalkan skarang l9e UTS!!! byangin cba!!Gw msti blajar dlm kga enaknya ne badan....

Hoe....Lgian gw jg sbel!!!...sma Robin Hooooooodd...
Gw tao ne ank kga agresip...Tp,,,stidaknya sapa gw dong!!!!
Gw jg lge bete...bgt!!! soalx gw msh nanggung "janji" ma RH..ya itulah,,, tp gmana hayo nyleseinx!!!

Tmn2 gw mlah pda kga dukung gw, goyahin prinsip gw!!!Sdangkan gw jg supink ma prasaan gw!!Still I love him!!!???Or,,,I just respect to him....

yagh mga2 kisah ne kga brakhir kya critanya titanic!!!(mokad dong yang cowo!!)

o yak ngomongin soal pelm ne!!!Supranatural Cyapso jga!!!Mna pmainnya bohay2...Benin9....
Arrrrggggghhhhh....... udah ah...

o yak..gw bru dpt lgu fav gw yag lma gw cari jdul lgux tp bru kmaren gw ktemu,,,,Txata ne lagu sountrackx pelm "RADIO' yang nyanyi gw kga ngarti se sapa,,,Tp yg ptg gw dah dpt lirikx!!! KRENNNNN>>>>

Eyes Of The Heart (Radio's Song)

Close your eyes, the light of love will lead the way.
In the eyes of a child were all the same, and we are all
Gods children the logic is so simple.
The one you call stranger is really your brother.

Love don't start with the eyes it startes with the eyes yeah.
Look deep down inside.
You know that you have a chance to make a choice to make
A change so make the choice to lok with the eyes of your heart.

No, I don't mean to preach.
Some may say that its unrealitic cause none of us is perfect.
But the way that i see it what if you just tryed this world through diffrnt eyes.
You'll see what is done to me is done to you we're all one humanatiy.
Yeah oh

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